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Italian vocabulary is largely based on Latin, which survived until the Imperial decline and was one of the most important languages spoken in the Peninsula. Since Latin is at the base of Italian, it is also true that many other languages gave Italian their imprint. 

When studying Italian or any other language, it is vital to use your ears. You can study Italian's many grammar rules and conjugations by heart. You can read books, magazines and newspapers to broaden your vocabulary knowledge, but you also need to listen to a real speaker and imitate the sounds he or she produces.

Common Words

By mastering the basics of conversation in Italian, you put yourself and the person you're talking to at ease. Everyone should learn essential Italian conversational words and phrases before traveling to Italy. These words and expressions are sure to come up in most everyday conversations.


In North America, particularly on the East Coast, if someone you don’t know talks to you on a bus or train, you may immediately check for your pepper spray and start looking for a different seat. In other parts of the world, however, striking up conversations with strangers is not only accepted, it’s the norm.


How do you ask basic questions in Italian? Well, Italian interrogative words mean the same as they do for English: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   By knowing basic Italian interrogatives, you'll be able to express your questions, even without an extensive vocabulary.



​Italian​ is known for being one of the most beautiful languages there is. It is the language of Dante and Da Vinci, and the direct descendent of Latin. When learning Italian, however, it might help to start with the basics.

Parlare per conoscere


Asking Directions

Even though most Italian cities are smaller than many cities in North America, they have a complex street system which doesn't follow any type of pattern or grid. 
The ancient Romans weren't too big on formal city planning, so sometimes the way the roads are laid out can be confusing, and it's easy to get lost...

Asking Help

Know how to ask for help in Italian before you have an actual emergency. By learning a few simple Italian words and phrases for emergencies, you can save valuable time in a crisis. 

The simplest way to ask for assistance is Aiuto!, which means Help!



Italy has quite a unique coffee culture. A coffee usually means an espresso, and it is seen to be perfect after a big meal; the coffee wakes you up, but since it's espresso, you can drink it on a full stomach.
Coffee is also consumed during the day, but don't expect Starbucks or free Wi-Fi...



Traveling in Italy can

be confusing if you

can't read the signs 

or understand

the instructions

you're given.

Dining Out

In Italy, most people don't just eat to live, they live to eat. Italians take

their food very seriously,

and restaurant culture is 

quite popular. When

you travel to Italy, it's

important to know the

basics of dining out.


Money & Banking

Traveling is expensive,

so it's crucial to

have a good


of Italian phrases

for money and


Parlare per viaggiare


While Italy generally enjoys freedom from very extreme weather changes such as hurricanes or typhoons, it can have boiling hot summers and frigid winters. In early springtime, it can be rainy, windy, and cold, only yielding to warmer temperatures toward late spring and early summer.


The family is a cornerstone and very important part of Italian life.

Family needs or desires 

will usually take


over work or 



Terms of endearment abound in the Italian language. Couples have 1001 ways to refer to each other, and very often enjoy attempting to invent a "unique" one for themselves.
Many terms can also be used casually with friends as compliments and friendly gestures.


Whether you’re traveling to Italy for a brief period or you’ve decided to make it your permanent home, you should always be prepared for a love affair- with the land,

the food or perhaps even a new sweetheart.


When talking about artistic life and experiences in Italy, one

can refer to Renaissance

artists, literature, opera,

and even modern



If you’ve ever walked the streets of Rome or Milan and you’re not a millionaire, you’ve undoubtedly run across quite a few stores where the most shopping you can do is to stand at the window and press your nose against the glass.

Parlare per scoprire

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